5th Grade Homework for August 14th-18th
Math: Complete Pages inside the Communication Folder
LA: Complete Pages inside the Communication Folder
Bible: Ask child what they learned in Bible Class and Discuss
Quarter 1
Below you will see the overview of each subject taught in the current quarter.
Core Classes
BJU Curriculum
Working on math concepts based on grade level of each student.
BJU Curriculum
Reading fun books and enjoying classical literature with the entire class.
BJU Curriculum
Tackling one spelling list per week and focusing on using those words in real writing.
BJU Curriculum
Practicing beautiful handwriting as well as journal entries just for fun!
Enrichment Classes
Sonlight Curriculum
From the heat of the sun to the eyes of an insect, this unit study nurtures children’s natural curiosity and provides daily opportunities to explore the world around them.
Sonlight Curriculum
Your children develop a big-picture understanding that past civilizations existed and that people live differently throughout the world.
Morning Virtues Curriculum
Learning about courage and discussing ways we can apply it to daily life. This course includes some drama where children need to act this virtue out with the class.
Custom Unit Studies
Learning to create using carious art media. This is an introduction to art to guide the child in choose their favorite tools to work with.
Bringing Art to 3D form where students get to create something that they get to keep and use at home.
Vocals and Theory
From Do, Re, Mi children will learn how notes look on the staff and how to sing particular notes in a song.
American Coaching Academy
Using national benchmarks – your child will learn to kick the ball to a target and will play sport games related to this objective.
Based on PE objectives, children will play a sport that relates to the current age-based national standard.
Apologia Bible Book
As kids understand how the books of the Bible work together to tell the larger story of God’s love for people, they begin to understand God better and read the Word with purpose, passion, and real understanding.