How it works
Admission Process

weekly activities
Designed to help children live out their full potential
Morning Praise
We start each day with praise songs and prayer. Gratitude is something we talk about often and encourage each child to be grateful for everything that God has gifted them with.
Outdoor Play
We believe that kids need plenty of outdoor time to successfully learn. We incorporate at least two recess blocks per day to give students enough time to play and practice their physical and social skills.
Compared to vintage times, our students get much less time to get creative. This is why arts are a huge focus in our school. We incorporate music education, drawing, and painting on a weekly basis.
Bible Lessons
Every morning, the kids are introduced to a Bible Story that teaches them about character and how they can grow in the fruits of the spirit.
Strong Academics
We use the best, time-proven curriculum to teach all the subjects to our students in a Christ-centered environment.
Physical Education
It is proven that physical health affects the way children learn and how they feel mentally. We put great focus on physical education and weekly muscle building exercises.