Art Announcements
2D Wednesdays
Math: Lesson 4 (pg 9 & 10) (in black folder)
English: Lesson 4 (pg 9 & 10) (in black folder)
Spelling: Write and read list 1 (in black folder)
Reading: Page 9 (Jesus loves them all)
3D Thursdays
Painting today! Please send an XL shirt that the children can get paint on and send it in a ziploc bag. It will go home with them to be hung and dried. We will use the same “paint shirt” all year! Thank you!
Math: Lesson 5 (pg 11 & 12) (in black folder)
English: Lesson 5 (pg 11 & 12) (in black folder)
Spelling: Test on List 1
(read the words out loud and have the child write down the words on a blank sheet of paper one by one)
Reading: The Brown Hen (pgs 10-16)